The Easy Stuff isn’t so Easy …

Sometimes it’s the most unexpected things that can give us that adrenalin rush and that high of having succeeded.
Have you ever put off a job or task until it has become unwieldy to the point of you wanting to simply bury your head in a hole? I have. Even though I thought I had overcome that. It all changed these past few weeks. And to top it off, my old friend, ‘phone reluctance’ crept up when I wasn’t looking.
The last few weeks have been very full of clients and training with large doses of preparation work for training. I have generally been very diligent in managing my time and had allocated only a couple of phone calls per day to make in between tasks. And … it seemed easier to leave them and get on with the ‘doing’ of things. How amusing it has been to me over the last two weeks to observe myself doing the ‘easy’ things which ultimately are much harder than the ‘hard’ things.
How does this paradox work? Well, take for example my up-until-recently diligent routine of swimming three times per week. It can feel easier to stay in bed and catch up on sleep as I firmly justify to myself that I needed more sleep/rest to be able to deal with the concurrent late nights and working hours I need to put in at the moment. So I did. And my day felt like walking through quicksand! Yet, on the days where I do the hard stuff, like getting out of bed and putting my togs on (going from nice warm PJ’s to togs is a shock to my system!) and then going to the pool and doing my laps I feel as though I’m primed and ready to start the day.
How come we torture ourselves with the easy stuff instead of making the effort to do the hard stuff which is where the gold and the ‘feelgood’ factor is?
Well today was the day of doing the hard stuff. I swam. Phone calls are done. Emails have been sent. Accounts are up-to-date. And I am feeling rather chuffed that I’ve had a few registrations for my next course (which starts on the 4th of October – check it out here). Because I tackled the hard stuff today, I’ve enjoyed a buzzy, rush, adrenalin, fist-pump day and the task list has subsided to almost zero. It’s done. And, I’ve had interesting, inspiring, humorous and warm-fuzzy conversations with clients and colleagues alike.
My next challenge is tackling the poor eating habits I’ve slipped into – yes it’s easy to be lazy. And yes – I plan to address the hard stuff – I’ll keep you posted.