021 434 778

Communicating for Success

Training & workshops ready to go:

Transforming Communication
Lead with confidence & charisma

Would you like to:
Lead yourself and others with ease?
Save yourself time by knowing how to help others to help themselves
Get your own needs met while keeping calm?
Resolve tension and disagreements and keep your connections.
Generate win-win outcomes?
Successfully influence others and have courageous conversations? 

learn more

Essential Communication Skills

Looking for a short workshop to upskill your newly promoted team leaders and supervisors?
Want to provide your leadership team with an impactful refresher in maintaining professional relationships?

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Elemental Leadership – In-House

Four half-day sessions specifically designed to support excellence in leading. 
Create productive relationships quickly and easily while helping others to help themselves.  
ideal for new managers, team leaders and supervisors. 
Click here for the flyer.

The Transforming Communication Training

Would you like to:
• Perfect the art of engaging with anyone, anywhere, any time?
• Save yourself time by helping others to help themselves?
• Influence others AND maintain the relationship connection?
• Resolve tension and create consensus with ease?
• Successfully facilitate tension and conflict?
This 27-hour investment in your emotional and leadership intelligence will provide you with a deep understanding of how you and those around you ‘tick’ and how to adapt your behaviour to get the best out of others and what you want! (And you’ll get to practice the skills in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment!)

Who is this training for?

• Leaders and potential leaders looking to develop their charisma and influence
• Managers, team leaders, supervisors, foremen and forewomen & business owners who want to increase their resilience and upgrade their skills toolbox.

Positive change begins with effective communication.

Our Transforming Communication skills training is an engaging and practical course designed to help you recognise your own communicating strengths and gaps, so you can understand how you interact with others and can make adjustments. You’ll participate in hands-on, skills-based activities, all designed to improve the quality of your relationships. We’ll support, encourage and nurture you as you practice new skills so you can:

Lead the process of people-connection to quickly and easily create productive relationships.
Help others to confidently help themselves and build their self-esteem and get some time back in your day.
Get your own needs met while maintaining your personal and professional relationships.
Resolve disagreements and tension in any situation and maintain rapport.
• Generate win-win outcomes and maintain the mana of your people.
Successfully influence others while keeping your relationships intact.

Improve Your Leadership Skills to Successfully Lead Others!

If you’d like to activate your leadership strengths in four days, or nine 3-hour sessions please do join us on our next intake.

Why do I need communication skills training?

Research on coaching was carried out by The Graduate School of Business at Stanford in 2013. A study of more than 200 CEO’s, board directors and senior executives of North American public and private companies were polled in the 2013 Executive Coaching survey. One of the key findings from the survey concluded that handling conflict ranks as the highest area of concern for CEO’s. Nearly 43% of CEO’s rated conflict management skills the highest area of concern and one of the top priorities for senior staff to be competent in.
Wouldn’t it be great to feel confident and calm when tense people-situations arise? And when did you last refresh your relationship-building skills?

What’s in it for you:

• Improve the quality of your relationships in all areas of your life
• Reduce stress – you’ll find you have skills and tools to successfully deal with any situation
• Save time – no more worrying about tricky situations
• Quickly understand other people’s perspectives
• You’ll be able to develop a more co-operative team that works together well
• Really ‘walk your talk’
• Find more time in your week

What’s this course about?

The Transforming Communication training was developed by Dr Richard Bolstad of Transformations. It delivers leading-edge skills we know will enhance co-operation and resolve conflict, if you apply them. The training was developed by Dr Richard Bolstad based on his book of the same name. The conflict resolution model it teaches draws on NLP, solution-focused approaches, effectiveness training and John Gottman’s relationships research. Barbara Jaques is one of Transformations’ certified instructors, accredited personally by Dr Richard Bolstad.

We believe in the effectiveness and transformational ability of this training. We’d really love to share with you a skillset you can easily implement to provide you the ability to identify what skills to use in any people-situation, and then apply the right tools at the appropriate time.

To register your interest, click here.

Download the Transforming Communication flyer here and click here to download a registration form. 

Still want to know more?  Click here for more testimonials from our past graduates.

The Transforming Communication training is registered with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund. Find out more by visiting www.regionalbusinesspartners.co.nz


What participants say about the
Transforming Communication training:

““Highly valuable … everyone can learn/grow from this training even if you’re already a great communicator. The accessibility of the learning … it’s not rocket science, we know this stuff, it’s a matter of being conscious and becoming more agile at using the skills. To me that’s what makes it different from other courses …” 

– J.C.P.

… outstanding and empowering … highly recommend … engaging, energising, thought-proving and great value. It made me more aware of how I have been communicating … and the style I default to in times of overwhelm and/or stress. There was so much significant learning …”

L.M., Whangarei

“Absolutely do it. You will learn things you already knew but didn’t ‘know’. The skills are invaluable providing you use them … the value of reflective listening – so very empowering and the outcomes have floored me”.

Lynn Freeman, Whangarei

Essential Communication Skills

Essential Skills is a one-day workshop for growing confidence & creating engaging relationships and is ideal for supervisors, managers and team leaders.

How good are your communication skills really?
When did you last self-reflect on how you are perceived?

Being able to communicate effectively is vital to workplace success and co-operation. When we communicate effectively, the other person understands us and we know they’ve understood us. This one-day workshop can be delivered over two half-days and covers the fundamental skills required to create relationships and successful outcomes for yourself and others. You’ll leave with an understanding of how to communicate with more clarity and impact, in any of your relationships. You’ll learn:

• Vital skills to keep connected with others personally and professionally;
• How to create a focus for productive conversations.
• Ways to support others in need.
• How to get what you want while maintaining relationships.
• Strategies to effectively deal with disagreement.

To register your interest, click here.

Who is this workshop for?

New and experienced supervisors, team leaders and managers who want to successfully manage and lead their work teams in a confident and stress-free way.

What are the logistics?

Workshops can be:
• in-person or via Zoom (as a live participative event)
• public or in-house delivery to suit your operational requirements.
If you have one person or a number of team members, we can accommodate you on a public workshop to ensure business continuity. Please let us know and we’ll email you dates and times of our next public workshop.

Click to download the flyer here and a registration form here.  


What participants say  about the
Essential Communication Skills Workshop:

“I now understand what steps I need to take to manage conflicts with staff. Do the workshop and have fun learning some new people skills!” 

Robbie, TMG, Whangarei.

“… opened my eyes to new approaches I could implement … this workshop has made me re-evaluate my approach. … ideal for anyone entering a management role or even a higher-level employee wanting to learn new skills to deal with everyday situations.” 

Roger Jones, NorthTec

“Great refresher to the 9-week training … if you need help in improving communication, or you believe everyone else has the problem, this is the workshop to do…”

Jenny Hamilton, Back2Nature Childcare

Call us for a chat, we’d love to talk