021 434 778

Resilience Strategies

Resilience Strategies for Dynamic Times

A one-day workshop, or two-half days, to help you, your team or your community group navigate and manage change & challenge.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
– Viktor Frankl

One thing that’s constant at the moment is change. The world is changing and so are our workplaces and our family dynamics. Our foundations have been given a shake, and our ability to flex and stretch like a tree in a storm has been tested. And we’ve certainly had a few storms and windy days blowing through, which will have tested our bounce-back-ability.

Flexing when we’re in the midst of change is an art and a skill. When we have a toolbox of strategies and skills at our fingertips we can pivot in the face of adversity and develop productive, supportive and positive responses to unexpected situations. This builds our confidence, improves our relationships and helps us gain respect from those around us.
This is both a practical and a skills-based workshop with strategies and techniques you can implement immediately both at home and in your workplace. You’ll leave with the ability to positively respond to unexpected situations and improve your relationships and learn:

• How to differentiate between resilience & chronicity.
• Strategies to develop helpful thinking styles.
• Ways to manage your mind-state.
• Skills to get calm quickly.
• Practical approaches to assist others who are finding things tough.

Who is this workshop for?

• New and experienced supervisors, team leaders and managers who want to boost their skills and tools to support their team members and colleagues.
• Parents who want to improve how they respond to unexpected situations and support their families to do the same.
• Business owners who want to maintain their professionalism and continue to develop productive relationships regardless of what’s going on behind the scenes.

What are the logistics?

Workshops can be:

• in-person or via Zoom (as a live participative event)
• public or in-house delivery to suit your operational requirements.
If you have one person or a number of team members, we can accommodate you on a public workshop to ensure business continuity. Please let us know and we’ll email you dates and times of our next public workshop.

Click to download our flyer here and a registration form here.

What people say about the Resilience Workshop:

“… it went above expectations. I learned a lot about myself and techniques I’ll use. It was a safe space for conversation and we were made to feel involved and she helped us use scenarios that would make learning better.” 

M. Grace, Amundson & Amundson, Whangarei.

“The zoom format surprised me – it worked well. The content was presented well … all relevant to what I was wanting for myself, my clients and my family and friends! Liked the references and ability to further educate myself. Breadth of knowledge was great!”

Debbie Rafferty, Active Intervention Management Ltd (AIM)

“Great tools for my journey forward & easy to understand. Barbara is able to make complex ideas highly relatable in a fun, safe learning environment.” 

Tracy, 155 Whare Awhina Community House

Call us for a chat, we’d love to talk