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How do you train kittens?

How do you train kittens?

What has training kittens got to do with business or self-development?  Heaps actually … it requires patience in spade loads, something we require in everything we do and participate in.   

I thrive on getting things done and achieving results as I love the thrill of getting the doing done.  In the process of achieving, there’s often speed hump that can slow progress and that is when patience is required.  I define this as the ability to take or make time, to do what needs to be done first, so that you can get on with the rest of the doing.  Over the last few years, I’ve been consciously aware of my need to develop patience – particularly outside of the work arena.  It’s not easy to be patient in a supermarket queue when you have other things to do, or in traffic when you really would like to be somewhere else, or when you’re on hold waiting for information.  I thought I had made huge progress until we got three wee furballs (aka kittens) … all of them rescued strays from the SPCA who have been our babies for four weeks now. 

In the book ‘The To-Be List’ patience is described as your ability to persist under difficult circumstances.  I agree.  Three kittens can create difficult circumstances!  Patience is required to learn and develop new skills – we were patient when we learned to walk and when we were learning a new hobby – something we really wanted to do.  Patience is also required to teach new skills – especially three kittens who have come from three different stray litters severely lacking in manners! 

How do you stop kittens from acting like manic sharks at feeding times?  How do you get kittens to stay off the bench?  These are two major challenges I have before me that I need to develop patience with.  I think I know what’s next on the list of potential solutions, however I’d really love your ideas too because we’ve tried them all … pepper, onions, water, tin foil …

I know they are babies and they are very cute and furry and purry when they’re playing or sleeping, however at feeding time they turn into ravenous beasts, ready to chew off a leg or an arm – mainly mine. 

Upon reflection I guess it can be the same us humans when we’re learning and want to get the end result; or when we’re teaching or training others. 

Patience is about being aware of the difficulties that will arise along the way and making or taking the time when you experience the challenge.  The only difference between the challenge now and the success we desire is time.  New skills take time and practice to develop.  Even if you have to say ‘no’ and ‘down’ a lot of the time!

As Michelangelo said, “Genius is eternal patience”.  Choose to be patient.  I am!