Garden Therapy

Looking for a sense of calm?
The quote below flowed effortlessly and serendipitously into my email inbox this week. It connected with me and I thought it might with you too … The physician and writer, Oliver Sacks, explains the value of gardens:“As a writer, I find gardens essential to the creative process; as a physician, I take my patients to gardens whenever possible. All of us have had the experience of wandering through a lush garden or a timeless desert, walking by a river or an ocean, or climbing a mountain and finding ourselves simultaneously calmed and reinvigorated, engaged in mind, refreshed in body and spirit. The importance of these physiological states on individual and community health is fundamental and wide-ranging. In forty years of medical practice, I have found only two types of non-pharmaceutical “therapy” to be vitally important for patients with chronic neurological diseases: music and gardens.”Source: “Why We Need Gardens” in Everything in Its Place: First Loves and Last Tales
If you’re feeling any of the emotions above, remember to refresh yourself with nature, in whatever way works best for you. A change of thinking always follows a change of environment (and perspective) and giving thanks for what we already have. And, miraculously, we can often feel more positive. Give it a go – I dare you!
Take care out there as we move into Level 2 folks!
PS: Thanks James Clear for your Thursday 3-2-1’s – they are great!